The AIDCA copywriting model helps you to get better response from your marketing comminications, you can use it within:
- Web pages (WordPress, WIX, Joomla, SquareSpace etc),
- Email campaigns (directly within Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook or within Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor etc)
- Social Media (such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin etc)
- Direct Mail (as in the post, Royal Mail etc!)
- Text Messages (or whatsapp, facebook messenger etc)
- Advertising (such as Google Ads or Facebook ads etc)
1. The headline or opening line gets Attention
2. The product description generates Interest
3. The offer or proposition produces Desire
4. A guarantee or reassurance gives Conviction
5. A call to action Action generates sales
AIDCA can be used throughout the promotional mix (there are over 250 ways to do this, including some of the above mentioned methods).